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Repricing Tools for Amazon

Repricing your Amazon listing can be tough, but by using one of the many repricing tools out there, it can automatically do it for you so you won’t stress out about determining whether or not your price is reasonable. These repricing tools will help you generate sales and help you stay on top of your competition automatically.

Here are the best 6 repricing tools you can use to help your listing in the Amazon Marketplace.


This tool claims it can increase Buy Box ownership by 63% in just 15 days. This system ‘helps online businesses drive profits using smart algorithms and actionable insights.’


Beginners: $59/month

Established Sellers: $119/month

Professional sellers: $239/month


Seller Engine works 24 hours a day. They claim to help with private label issues anyone might run into.  ‘Sellery uses the Minimum Price as the automatic lower limit when repricing your items’.


Contact company for pricing.


Repricer Express offers multiple features for filtering your competition and that includes, seller rating, seller feedback, shipping country and  dispatch/ ship time.


2,500 listings: $55/month

5,000 listings: $79/month

10,000 listings: $99/month

25,000 listings: $159/month

50,000 listings: $249/month


Repricer offers consistent repricing, Amazon buy box predictor, net margin repricing, reporting on competitors and much more. ‘Manage pricing on every Amazon marketplace and grow your business internationally.’


Basic: $69/month

Plus: $229/month

Ultimate: $379/month


Bqool offers inventory lab synchronizer, 5 minute accelerated repricing, embedded price and profit calculator, customized repricing settings & schedule repricing.


1,000 listings $25/month

5,000 listings: $50/month

7,500 listings: $75/month

10,000 listings: $100/month


Feedvisor claims to increase sales by 28%, increase profit margin by 37% and increase gross profits by 23%. They offer price optimization and intelligence, advertising optimization and intelligence & brand optimization and intelligence.


Contact the company.

Repricing tools are extremely helpful because it leaves all the hard work up to the software. Not only does it take care of the hard work, it can help boost your sales, profit margins and increase gross profits!

Try Sellozo!

Sellozo offers a simple, powerful platform that makes it easy to manage and optimize your Amazon Sponsored Product Ads and – thanks to machine-learning – programmatically alters bids to help your ads beat out the competition.

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