Being an Amazon Seller is hard. You have a lot to manage and take care of. Why not use a simple software solution like Sellozo to automate a lot of the tedious work? Watch a collection of our video tutorials below:
Learn the ins and outs of each Sellozo feature with these introduction videos:
Sellozo Dashboard Overview
TRANSCRIPT: Hey everyone I'm here with Scott today to give you an overview of the Sellozo dashboard. So Scott, tell us what we're looking at. Thanks Chloe, so we are looking at an overview of our Amazon business: this gives us a great overview of our total sales, our cost, our profit, our margin, our total, and ACoS percentage. So we can see, you know, both our PPC sales and our organic sales within this view. On the right-hand side we do have a true profits all of that information we gain directly from Amazon's API. The only thing that we don't have is the inbound shipping and the cost of goods. It's really easy to upload those costs of goods, though, all you have to do is just download the template and click the upload button and then we can go ahead and see the actual true profit for our Amazon business. One thing we can do is change the date range up here so it defaults to 30 days and if we go back to seven days or the last 90-day window, it's going to change what all these numbers look like because it'll reflect the date range. And it's nice just to see a great overview you can see the weekly and the daily and the monthly as well which is really nice so those are great ways to just go ahead and analyze your Amazon business with. For sure and here we have the ad automation highlights. So this is really great just to show what actually is happening on your account. You can see that every single day the software is making those adjustments and working just making those automatic adjustments: you know adding new keywords, creating those negative targets, creating new campaigns. You know we also can see you know what campaigns that are not currently optimized or what campaigns need more budgets. Or maybe if there's some campaigns that we need to go ahead and raise that ACoS target on that's also available as well. So these are just great overviews of how that software is actually working and what we need to actually change for our campaigns. Good stuff and if we scroll down here we also have the inventory value so we can see based on like last current 36-day sales velocity, like how long will the products be in stock. This is really great for lead time if you can see which products am I going to run out of stock uh you know if you click on them directly they take you to the products in the product view but it's just a great overview just to see you know what products are currently running on stock and how long do I have until some of these products run out of stock. Nice all right and then lastly this cool map! Yeah it is a really cool map. It's awesome because you can see, you know, all the different areas to where you're actually getting the Amazon sales. You can click on those little bubbles and that will take you to the individual areas to where you're actually getting those sales and then also the recent orders on the right-hand side that gives us, you know, the most recent orders that are happening on our accounts on a daily basis. So yeah, this is a really great way to look at an overview of our Amazon business. Awesome, Scott, thanks for the overview!
Sellozo Amazon PPC Sales and SKU
TRANSCRIPT: Hi everyone. Hello Brock, how are you? Hey Chloe! Today I'm gonna be asking Brock about what “Sales Other Sku” means when you see it in product view. So if you're in your product view you're looking at the breakdown of a product under PPC Performance you'll see this “Sales Other Sku”. So, Brock tell us how a sale gets attributed that way. Yeah, so “PPC Sales Others Sku” that is a really common question. So the reason why it's so confusing is if you have a lot of product variations, you want to attribute that data to what's actually getting clicked and what's actually doing the sale. Well, what this literally means is somebody clicked on one of your ads and then they bought a different SKU. Now it could be under the same parent SKU, or it could be a totally unrelated product and they just so happened to click on your ad and then they bought another product that you are selling. Your seller account could be even a different brand and now Amazon is attributing that to the click. The important thing here to mention is that different advertising types have different attribution windows so, theoretically-speaking, you might get a click on an ad and they might even be buying this a few days later. Got it, okay, well thank you for explaining. This makes a lot more sense!
Sellozo Amazon PPC Sales Tutorial
TRANSCRIPT: Hi, I'm Kali with Sellozo's support team. And I'm Jeremy with Sellozo as well and we really just wanted to talk about how to read the graph today. Basically, it's a lot of lines and a lot of things that can get busy, so I just wanted to kind of talk about how you can go about cleaning it up and actually understand, you know, what the lines are. So Kali, what do you think kind of are some of the most important things, or stats you know to keep in mind up here on the graph? On the PPC Manager screen what I really like to look for are really like three main ones: it's the PPC sales, your PPC spend, and your PPC ACoS. You can look at a ton more by clicking on the little blue options box just above and to the right of the graph and then you can toggle over here. Also PPC impressions is a good one if you're really looking at longer term on how things are doing. Return on ad spend (ROAS) is a good one, even PPC clicks or units: there's tons of different metrics that really can go all out if you really want to see everything. Absolutely, yeah we can definitely get kind of granular and in the data that we look at here and again you know we can see not a lot of PPC clicks and impressions. It doesn't look like much is going on in the graph but we can also click these boxes up here at the top right too. Yes so if we wanted to just take a look at say PPC sales and PPC profit we could just click on all the rest of the boxes here and that's all we'll have on the graph. So now it looks a lot cleaner. Yes, do you want to show the weekly view? That's perfect. So we can also change the defaults to the daily view on each graph but you can change it to weekly or monthly. So you know here's a weekly view so you can kind of see on a bi-week basis of what's going on in your account here and then again you know if you want to take a longer look you got the monthly view and we can also take a longer look at the amount of days that we're checking out on the calendar as well to really go back and look at some data if you wanted to. Definitely, yes, so again though this is the PPC Manager tab so this graph here is just for the PPC stats. Right, do we have any organic stats in this one or no? You do not, so you'll head over to the product view tab for that organic sales and total sales information. There are different statistics available for you to see at product view. So same difference: you got the option button to click here and you can track any other products that you want and this one you can also track fees, though, you know you got the fba fees, the inbound shipping fees, and things like that. The refunds as well. A lot of different options in this one compared to the PPC Manager tab. The same difference you can click these squares or rectangles at the top to kind of dump down the information that you're looking at so you can really track what you want to track. so let's say we just wanted to take a look at our PPC sales and organic sales and we can see that you know clear everything else out and we can take a look at it. Yes and one last thing too, Jeremy, is if you wanted to download those statistics on the graph you can do that as well. Absolutely, yep, just that green download button over here and then you can keep all this stuff for your own notes basically and do what you want and and then just one you know you can also do the weekly/monthly here as well just like you could on the PPC Manager. So graphs are a great point of reference for information you know what's going on but you can always clean them up and view them how you want to view them. Yes, definitely absolutely. Okay, so that's basically how you view the graphs and the stats on the graphs. So you can customize it how you want you can view the stats how you want. It's really up to you how you want to track your business so there you go. Yeah it's just great that you can see more than two two lines on the graph at a time. I know I get a little frustrated sometimes and I'm working in Seller Central there I can't see near as many. That's a great point. You can only do two point of references with the Seller Central graph so like I said you can get a lot more granular here with these graphs that we have available on Sellozo. It's really whatever your preference is. Have fun checking them all out. E Well there we go guys! That's how you check the stats on your graph in the Sellozo platform.
Sellozo Campaign Studio Tutorial
TRANSCRIPT: Hello everyone, I'm with our head of support, Brock Gettemeier, and we are going to be talking about how to use Campaign Studio properly. This is sort of the heart of Sellozo and the ability to link up your campaigns so you can automate keyword transfer, negative keyword creation, etc. But there's a lot in here so, Brock, let's let's dive in and let's really sort of figure out show everyone how to best utilize campaign studio and before we do, just so everyone knows, the way you get to campaign studio is when you're in the PPC Manager, you can just click the green action square next to any campaign and then go to Campaign Studio and that'll bring you to this page where you can design your workflow. Let's talk about this: what's going on in this situation right here, Brock, with these campaigns? Yeah so in this test account it looks like we've got a very traditional setup and this is best practice for most niches and most product life cycle stages. So what this is is on our left-hand side you can see the green auto automatic campaign and on the right hand side you have the more purple manual campaign–and all manual campaigns and automatic campaigns do have the same color coding. Now what this is is it's transferring search terms that have converted. Your automatic over to your exact match manual. This is nine out of ten times really where you want to start and then based on the data you receive, say you're not doing enough keyword testing, you might want to incorporate it into a broad or a phrase. But you really want to start out with an auto exact match because it's almost always the highest ROI way to do keyword testing/keyword transfer and really honing in and optimizing on the keywords that are profitable for you. So this is an auto campaign and it's connected to a manual and it's making these exact matches. Let's talk about how you define the rule the keyword transfer: so if this line is already here you can click this line the middle of the line and this will pull up the default transfer rule. So let's walk through this a little bit, Brock, and tell everyone how to get the best out of this. Yeah this can be a little bit confusing because this is a more advanced tool. A lot of people will just turn the optimizer on for an automatic and then we will default to the pattern we're on. Actually the automatic to exact match so if you are uncomfortable using this, I do know, just turn the optimizer on for your automatic campaign will result in the best practice for the auto to exact match on one time search term conversion. Now if you want to get a little more advanced that's the part we really love. So up at the top of this page, you've got your default transfer rule. One of the most important things, and this is the entire box at the top of the page you see here, one of the important things to note is that down below that you have your customized transfer rules. These are at the ad group level. If you have ad group level transfer rules your default transfer rule will no longer do anything unless you create a new automatic ad group and you let the optimizer go ahead and spawn you a new exact match. It's going to use your default. I guess you could switch your default to a broad or phrase as well. So down below that's really what we're going to be talking about because we do have a customized ad group link here and we're no longer talking about the default. So on the left-hand side, you have your source ad group that is going to be typically your automatic ad group. If we're talking about, say, a broad or a phrase match campaign that's transferring search terms to an exact match, that could also be a broad or phrase match ad group, but essentially this source ad group is just what is going to be harvesting these search terms and a sync it can do both now. On the right-hand side you have your destination ad group and this is just where those search terms that we've discovered from the source, whether that's auto broad or phrase, that's where they will be created as keywords or targets if we're talking about product tokens. Now the middle, the transfer rule, is really where you have control over the automation and so if you click that there to drop down and expand this view, you'll see all of the different functionality. Best practice is you will want to transfer search terms for creating keywords and you want to transfer products or ASINs for your product target so right here we can see when a search term converts one time, and you can see that that one time is a slider so you can expand that. Best practice is probably somewhere between one and three, unless you're using this for some sort of control around reducing keyword testing. And then right below that, this is the match type that it's going to create. So again our default is exact match. We recommend people start out with doing an automatic to exact match transfer and then if you're not seeing enough keyword testing then start trying out broad to phrase so that way your budget doesn't get spent too quickly right as you're starting out. The harm in that could be that your exact match never has enough budget to actually spend on the keywords to optimize. Now if we want to get really advanced with this we actually have a refinement feature directly below this. Now, this is if you want to refine the transfer rule to actually analyze the search term. So for example: branded is the most common application for this. If you want to only send unbranded keywords you might want to add a refinement that says “search term does not contain your brand name” and then if you want to create a link to your branded ad group, of course, you're going to do the exact opposite and do search for “does contain” and put your brand name in and that will make it so the optimizer only transfers the terms with your brand or the one specifically. Excellent! All right, so let's move on here. I'm gonna get out of this. So if they have multiple ad groups then they would just do that again: they would add another link here and then select the transfer rule between the additional ad groups that they're looking to connect. Correct, that's exactly right. Yeah yeah, and you might even have the same source ad group so we could actually select that here if you want to and you can see we only have one source ad group in this automatic campaign but we might want to go ahead and link it to two different destination anchors, the same we have in this manual campaign. Maybe we have one exact match ad group and one broad match ad group, so we could very easily select the broad match ad group here and then switch the transfer rule to broad so that way this one source automatic ad group is sending search terms to the exact match ad group as an exact match keyword. And we'll also send search terms to the broad match ad group as broad match keywords. So once they have this completed they just click “apply” and then that, now, will save that transfer rule, and then in the future all those keywords will transfer based on that rule. So really powerful, I mean that's the power of the campaign studio and what it's able to do now. Let's talk about another one: this loop around right here, the question I get all the time is if you've got a campaign and you want to link it to itself, if I click on this, this is connecting the ad groups within the same campaign so that you're able to link them. So if you click on this and so a lot of times we'll have somebody who, instead of a broad match campaign and a phrase match campaign an exact match campaign, they'll actually have those as separate ad groups in the same campaign. Well, you can link those ad groups up within that campaign so that you can transfer. Now can you tell what happens once a keyword or a target is transferred to a destination campaign, what happens to that in the original campaign or ad group? Yeah yeah, and that's super critical! The negative keyword is what we're referring to here and we've done a lot of testing and how we've implemented this is basically: when a search term converts in your automatic or broad phrase, your source ad group it's transferred over and created in your destination editor. Now we don't immediately apply the negative exact match keyword in the source ad group and the reason is we want to wait until we see traction picking up in the destination. So we actually create a negative exact match for the keyword that got the conversion in the manual – we do it the following day, so if it gets a conversion today, tomorrow morning, we're going to go ahead and create a negative exact match in the automatic. We find that to be best practice because every once in a while it takes six to even 12 hours for a newly created keyword to start getting traction in the manual and we really don't want you to have a gap in any of your best search terms uh for PPC so we create the negative exact for you and that rule applies to any source ad group now the only exception for that is your self-link so the manual if you have the source ad group and the destination ad group actually the same ad group. We will not create a negative exact match in that ad group because of course that would cut off the newly created keyword volume. Exactly. perfect! All right. Well let's just do a couple of things here real quick: I'm going to take this off so we can start from scratch. Let's say now somebody wants to connect existing campaigns that they have. So when they look at their auto campaign they've come to the campaign studio and this is all they see. Now this person has a broad and a phrase and an exact campaign that they want to link so let's talk about how we can walk somebody through that process. If you're looking to add campaigns to this campaign group at the top you can select a placeholder. So I'll go ahead and click this three times and now we have those three placeholders and then what do we do now, how do we get the campaign that we want in here? Yeah, while we're at it, let's go ahead and add one more manual in. I've got another pro tip here: let's just assume you've got two broad match campaigns and there are duplicates, meaning it's the same product, many of the same keywords, lots of reasons you might have duplicate campaigns. There are a lot of benefits for consolidating down because you're focusing your data and your history of performance on that one campaign or hopefully one ad group that is really ideal. So let's go ahead and do that. The first thing is you'll click that little edit icon in the empty manual box there so we've just got this test account. So go ahead and pick anything here, obviously, your campaign names would be showing in your actual account, so you'd want to select the correct campaign. And then so let's say this is your broad match campaign. Then let's go ahead and select the other broad match, the phrase match in the exact. We'll just go ahead and select all those, I know since we're in this test account, there's no name showing but your names will show there. Yep, all right, okay, so now, this is all drag and drop. It's actually very easy, very user-friendly and this could be done through the bulk upload in your campaign groups tab but I really find it helpful to do a couple manually in the user interface so you know how it works for using the bulk upload. So I click the exit arrows from the automatic and simply drop them over to the broad, and now let me just make a point here: you need to drop that directly into the middle of the arrow so, that way, that'll create that link right there. So now we have a link from the auto to the uh one of your broad match campaigns and now let's go ahead and click on that link to make sure that we set it to a broad match transfer rule and change this to broad and we don't even have to use the default–we could set it at the ad group level if we wanted to. I prefer to do everything at the ad group level and don't do anything with the default. The default is really about spawning new ad groups and, if you're linking up existing manuals, you really shouldn't need to change your defaults because you're going to link up each of the ad groups. You're not going to create new ones so let's go ahead and add in the source ad group and add in the destination ad group. All right. And then let's change that transfer rule to broad because, again, we're doing this down below, we're not using the default up above. We're going to do it here right and then we click apply. Yes, all right. The exact same thing from our broad match to our phrase match, except instead of doing that ad group level link as a broad match, we're of course going to switch it to a phrase match select. So this would be selecting the ad group and this is selecting that group inside of the phrase match campaign. And we want to edit the transfer rule to create a phrase and so now when a broad match keyword gets a conversion, that search term will be created as a phrase match keyword in your phrase match hacker. The only other thing that's going to happen is, of course, when that phrase match keyword gets conversion it will create a negative exact in the broad match actions. The benefit of that is your broad match keyword will now start targeting new, hopefully, longer tail and more profitable, search terms. Absolutely and so now we want to do the same thing to the exact same phrase to exact. Yeah, and to be honest, we're going to keep the default, or I should say, we're going to keep the default transfer rule so go ahead and add those ad groups in and we won't even have to edit that middle transfer rule. Yep! Because that middle transfer rule is creating an exact match exactly so we click apply now here's the part that that's going to really help you um this duplicate broad match campaign we want to clean that up but we don't really want to shock the whole system and remove all the history all at once so we like to let the optimizer phase it out gradually. So, a great way to do that is actually linking the broad match to the phrase match so your duplicate. Now, there are two ways to do it: you could link it straight to the phrase match or you can also link it straight to the exact match. One of them will prioritize more keyword testing, one of them will prioritize more exact match, which is your optimization address. Let's go ahead and link it to the phrase match here and the end result will be that when your phrase match keywords convert the negatives will be applied to both the broad match campaigns and eventually the volume on that duplicate will go down to the point where it really stops spending and our other broad match will continue spending because the automatic is feeding new broad match keywords to it. That is a pro tip, that's good stuff right there, so we want to make sure that we get this transfer rule, though, correct on this one where we are having it create the phrase match in that destination campaign so we would want to edit this, change this, to phrase and now we're good. Exactly right now the one thing I want to emphasize is this is a much more advanced pattern. We do recommend starting with an automatic to exact match and getting what you can get out of that first and look at it in like you know maybe two weeks to a month and if you're not happy with the spend you want to be spending more you want to be more aggressive go ahead and try the broad phrase match we don't recommend immediately starting with five campaigns though because that's so much keyword testing compared to how much of the actual optimized exact match then there will be. Yeah this is great that, I mean, this is the power of Sellozo in this campaign studio is the ability to whatever your strategy is you can design it in here so like with the way that we linked these up whether you go from an auto to a broad to an exact whether you go from an auto and you put it in a broad phrase and exact all at the same time whatever your strategy is this is the way that you design the workflow of the keyword transfers and then you're able to save this and then the bulk of the workload is done automatically by our tool. I think one thing that's really important is you do want to name this so you're when you name the group name, you're naming this whole campaign group this allows you to filter by campaign groups in the PPC Manager to see these campaigns together and any change you make in here you must go click save when you're done and that'll save the pattern and then that workflow will happen from then on. Let's uh we'll touch on one last thing and then I think that this will be good for this video. We do have the sponsored brand campaigns in here, okay. Now let's talk about if you have a sponsored brand campaign, there, if you notice there are no transfer nodes on this. Yeah so the reason you might want to put a sponsored brand campaign in your campaign pattern is mostly just for organization and viewing the data so when you're filtering down to the pattern if you want to actually show that sponsored brand data in there so it's for ease of organization the sponsored brand keyword transfer is actually something that's going to be coming out soon there are some limitations for sponsored brand campaigns, of course, you wouldn't want to apply the negatives when you make it transfer to sponsored brands and then also sponsor brands do have quite a large limitation for how many keywords you can put in because we can't have multiple ad groups in sponsoreded brand campaigns so there are some difficulties with that if you have a lot of keywords because you don't want to run out of space and then amazon won't let you create anymore um so that's why we haven't actually allowed you to transfer keywords to sponsored brands just yet in an automated way we will really do recommend um picking your top keywords and then just turning on the optimizer form uh we will have some custom videos specifically around automated keyword transfer to sponsored brands in the next month to two months excellent well it's nice to put it in your campaign group though and save it. As you said so that you can filter and see all the data there all right Brock thanks so much for jumping on here explaining this uh campaign studio that's it's your best friend with Sellozo it allows you to automate your exact strategy and uh if you guys have any questions you can always reach out to support to get your answer. All right that's campaign studio thanks Brock! Thanks a lot, see you guys!
Sellozo Filter Sets Tutorial
TRANSCRIPT: Okay we're back in here, we got Scott again joining us Scott's gonna show us how to use the filter sets right even create filter sets inside uh solos app that way you can instead of using filters all the time you can just save them once and then you'll just be able to click on them and they'll load automatically for you so let me pull up Scott's screen here and Scott you can take it away. Yeah thank you Chris so users do have the ability to easily create those filter sets uh in the PPC manager so we're just going to go ahead and go to the PPC managers tab and then at the very top here we can see these filters so let's say for example we just wanted to see those active campaigns we would just click on the filters select you know the filter we would like to filter by so campaign status equal to active we're going to go ahead and click save then this will show us all of the active campaigns that are currently within our account if we wanted to go ahead and save this filter set for later. So let's say for example we wanted to save this and then come back later so we don't have to continually set that filter we would just select save filter set and we're just going to call this active campaigns. We're just going to go ahead and click on save preset and so once that's actually saved the users always can come back in here. So let's, you know, back out then we'll go back to the PPC manager then from here we can go to load filter sets and we can see all of the different filter sets that are currently saved uh so for today we can just select on the active campaigns and that will bring up our filter set that we saved. Perfect and another good way to use this is using that campaign name feature so, Scott if you can throw up to go that filter versus campaign name, yeah. This is where some sellers like you can do this by your portfolio so if you sell multiple different products you can if your campaign names are correct you can create a camp or filter for each type of product save that and then now when you load filters you can just go to those individual products that have that name that you're going after so if you want to look at microphone stands and say, you sell microphone stands. Yes, a microphone stand would be the filter. Name any campaign that has the word microphone stand stands going to be in there and then that's going to save as a filter and you can pull those in inside the app so it's really helpful especially if you name your campaigns right to use this as kind of like your portfolios. This is where you're going to be able to load campaigns all at once. So I love the filters. If you're out there, use those filters to your advantage. Click through it: you can see there's a ton on that list, yeah. Scott clicks that name he can just scroll down: there's a whole bunch in there that you can target out. So you know use these filters to your advantage it's really going to help you look at the data more thoroughly and understand what's actually going on so Scott anything else you want to add? Nope i think it's you hit it right on the head it's just a great way to filter by your campaign and just makes things a lot easier when using the application for sure! Well good stuff we'll be back with another one!
Sellozo Optimizer Tutorial
TRANSCRIPT: All right, welcome to Sellozo! This is going to be the first step you need to take when you get started with the optimizer. Today, I have Chloe with me. She is on our support team, and she's fantastic. She's going to tell you exactly how to get started with the optimizer, and Chloe, I will turn it over to you! Alrighty, thanks Kris. I'm going to share my screen here. First of all, congratulations on signing up with Sellozo! If you're watching this video, it's a big deal. So, you're probably over the optimizer. (00:37) You're going to want to start by going to PPC Manager. Now, I'm in demo mode here, so you won't see any campaign names. It all looks a little blank and sketchy, but when you're in your own account, you'll see some really good data here as well as all your campaign names that you have in your Seller Central account. So, from PPC Manager, all you're gonna do is click on the little green gears button next to the campaign name and click "Edit Campaign." Now, it's important to note that the optimizer is (01:05) turned on at the campaign level. So, I am in the campaigns tab here. This is the default tab when you click into PPC Manager. If you were to be on one of these other tabs, you would not have the option to turn on the optimizer because it's all done on the campaign level. Once you're in here, we'll see the optimizer is already on for this account, but if this was off, what you would need to do is choose a target ACoS. We'll have another video on how to choose the perfect target ACoS for you. (01:35) But to kind of mitigate a massive amount of testing in your account, we suggest starting your ACoS right around or below, just by a couple of percentage points where this campaign is already running at. So, this is a very low ACoS of six percent. If you already have, you know, a 22% ACoS in a campaign, I suggest going down to 20%. Trying to go too low may cause more harm than good. So once you choose your target ACoS, you click "Optimize," and you're ready to go. A couple of other things you can click here, as far as controlling the optimizer. (02:10) The main thing here is the bid strategy. So, with the bid strategy, you have two options. You either have conservative or aggressive. That just refers to how big the bid adjustments will be when the system starts optimizing your targets and the bids on those. So, conservative strategy means the system will be moving your bids in max increments of 10% toward the calculated ideal bid, whereas aggressive is a 15% max increment toward the ideal bid. So, Chris, let's talk about how to also do this in bulk because some people come in with a ton of (02:51) campaigns, yeah, and they all want to do, they want to turn the optimizer on one time. So, this is where if you've got a lot of campaigns and they all reach the same ACoS goal, Chloe's about to show you how to actually turn on the optimizer for all the campaigns in one simple click. I'll throw it back, I'm ready. Okay, so anytime you want to select multiple campaigns, you're going to be using these little check boxes. Super intuitive here. You can select just a couple at a time, or as Chris mentioned, you can select all of them. Now, if you have more than 20 campaigns, you may want to change this pagination to show up to a thousand at a time. So once you select those, I'll just do 20 at a time right now. I see the "Edit Campaign" button again. So, when I click here, I'm going to see the whole list of campaigns that I've just selected. What we want to do is actually turn the optimizer on, and then we'll hover to the right of this box and see a cool little push button. So if I were to turn this on and push this down, it's (03:56) going to make sure the optimizer is on everywhere. Now, you can make mass adjustments here as well. If you wanted to change all of these to aggressive and push this down, that would make that change for you, same with the target ACoS. So, you could enter your target ACoS, push it down, and it's going to put that number just across the board. Perfect, perfect. So, that's how easy it is. Just pick the campaign you want to start with and follow those steps. Tell us the target ACoS, pick your bid strategy, and just turn on the optimizer. And if you've got multiple campaigns, just click that little box there next to the actions button, and you can select them all and turn on the optimizer in bulk. Chloe, that was perfect. We'll have more videos here in the future. Thanks, Chris! [Music]
Sellozo Optimizer Campaign Setup
TRANSCRIPT: Okay. All right, so now that you've turned the Optimizer on, let's talk about exactly what the Optimizer is doing for those campaigns. Chloe, can you touch a little bit on what we're doing with the Optimizer and how it works with the campaigns? Yeah, absolutely. So the Optimizer is really taking three actions on your behalf. [00:21] So the first thing the Optimizer will do is make bid adjustments. When we turn on the Optimizer, we set a Target ACoS. Our system uses that Target ACoS to calculate an ideal bid for each target in your optimized campaigns. So every single day, the system calculates how the bid needs to be moved to hit that ACoS target. [00:45] So again, with the conservative strategy, that could be a maximum increment of 10%, and with the aggressive strategy, that could be a maximum increment of 15%. We adjust all the targets, whether it's a keyword, an ACE in target, or your sponsored product campaigns. We also adjust your sponsored brand campaigns with video ads and any targets you have in there. All that good stuff. [01:06] - Yup. So the optimizer does all the bid adjustments for every single keyword to reach your target ACoS goal every single day. You can also do other things, which we'll cover in more videos. For example, you can transfer keywords from one campaign to another, and negative keywords will also be taken care of. [01:20] That is another thing we'll talk about in another video. But all those tasks that sellers usually do manually, we aim to do them automatically. Right? Exactly. Yeah. So the first thing is bid adjustments. The second thing Kris just mentioned is the creation of keywords. [01:36] That's something really neat in Sellozo. You can use our campaign studio to link up how you want keywords or ACE in targets to be created and transferred. You'll need to refer to another video for that. But what's happening there is the system actually takes what works well in a campaign from the search terms report. [01:57] For example, the most basic strategy would be an auto to manual campaign. You have an automatic targeting campaign where Amazon is throwing your listing out into the world. You're indexing for certain search terms, and someone actually searches something and buys your product. [02:13] Now, if you have Sellozo's defaults turned on for an auto campaign, the system would say, "Oh, good. We've got a sale on this search term. Let's create a keyword." So the system automatically creates a new manual campaign linked to the auto campaign to transfer keywords. By default, if you just turn on the Optimizer for an auto campaign, we create one new manual campaign for that auto campaign. [02:36] And then from then on, we move keywords over upon conversion. Great. Now where can we show this to the sellers? We track all this, and we know where we track it, but where do we show this in the app? Yes. Okay. Let me share my screen. Okay, I'll go into Sellozo. So, we have an activity log. [03:00] That's great. On the campaign level, you can click "View activity log," and it will load all your recent changes. Here, you'll see some keyword bid updates. This is in demo mode, so it's all very hush-hush with what we're doing, but this will actually show you the target and how the bid is being moved. [03:22] Now, the third thing that the Optimizer does, I mentioned there are three things. So first, we have bid adjustments. Second, we have keyword transfers. Third, we have target transfers. We also do ACEs. The third is the creation of negative keywords. By default, when a search term converts and we move it from an auto campaign to a manual campaign, once it converts again as a keyword in the manual campaign, we'll create a negative in the auto campaign. [03:44] - And that happens by default, right? It just does it? Yup, it just does it. It's great. So we wait until it gets conversions. We don't cut anything off too quickly. But the whole point of these keyword transfers is to ensure that the keyword is in the best possible place, as an exact match. We want to isolate where we're testing it and avoid overlapping in multiple places, which can increase the ACoS. So that's the nature of the negatives. [04:04] - Perfect. Well, that was well done. Keep watching these videos. We've got more to talk about, more to show you, and we'll keep pumping them out. [04:24] Thanks, Chloe. (Upbeat music)
Sellozo Optimizer Best Practices
TRANSCRIPT: (00:03) [Music] All right, today I've got Scott with me from our support team. Scott and I are going to chit-chat a little bit about some of the best practices for turning on the optimizer. So when we import your data or import your campaigns, we don't start optimizing right away. You actually have to turn on the optimizer for the campaign before it starts automating that campaign. And we're going to kind of go over some best practices for that. Scott, why don't you start us out with one of them? What's one of the best practices you would do as a seller when turning on the optimizer? Where would you start? (00:31) Yeah, great question, Chris. So, you know, as a seller when first turning on the optimizer, initially I would just go ahead and set that target ACoS percentage. Currently, what the campaign is running at over the past 30 days. So let's say over the past 30 days, our campaign's running at a 35. I would set that target ACoS percentage probably around a 35 mark. And the reason being is, you know, even if we set it at what it's currently running at, the optimizer will still lower the bids on the poor-performing keywords, and it will raise the bids on the better-performing keywords. So it's still going to be optimizing our campaign, even if we're just setting that ACoS percentage target about what the campaign is currently running at. (01:03) What would happen if I set it lower, like 10? What would happen? (01:33) Yeah, if we set it significantly lower than what it's currently running at, then what's likely going to happen is the software will go ahead and decrease those bids to the point where we could possibly lose sales. So obviously, you know, there's a correlation between PPC sales and organic sales, and the risk of setting it too low is that we start losing that ranking and possibly lose our positioning on Amazon's pages. (02:07) So if I set it at 35, when should I lower it again to 30 and 25, and 20? Like, do I do that slowly or once a month? What does that look like? (02:28) Yeah, no, that's a great question. So, I think it really just depends, obviously, on the niche and what niches you're at. But, you know, I would say gradually, if I had to give you a time frame, maybe every two weeks, just go ahead and start gradually lowering it by 5%. (02:51) So, I'll log in, and it'll be 35 when I first start. Then two weeks later, I can come in, if it starts to make adjustments, and I can see it dipping down a little bit, I can lower it to 30. (03:04) Yeah, exactly. (03:09) Now, let's say I'm in a really aggressive niche, like really competitive, and my current cost is 35, but I'm willing to go higher. What would you recommend there? Like, I'm willing to spend a lot of money to get ranking. Where would I set my target at for that? (03:28) Yeah, great question. So, you know, if the main purpose is just ranking your products, and I want to get on the first page, then yeah, go ahead and set that ACoS target really high, maybe even 100 ACoS target because our main purpose is not necessarily to make that profit, our main purpose is to gain that ranking, to get those organic sales on the first page. So yeah, go ahead, set that ACoS percentage target really high if that's your main purpose is to rank. (04:00) Yeah, and I'm with you. Just because you set it at 100% doesn't mean the campaign is gonna get to 100%. It's just telling the optimizer, "Hey, my target is 100," so all the keywords in that campaign, raise them up until they get to 100 ACoS. It doesn't mean you're gonna get there. It just means your bids are gonna continue to go up. So if you're trying to rank with a really good keyword and you got a good listing already, it's gonna tell the tool to continue to increase your bids if you lose placement, so you get more traffic. It's going to bring more organic sales to you, and you're going to start to rank higher and higher and higher. So that's a huge thing. And I'm with you. I see that a lot, where sellers will come in and they're trying to increase their sales, but they'll set that target too low, and that's just not the right thing to do. You want to set it high, and you may want to set it higher than makes you feel uncomfortable. Like, I've seen some that have, like, 200% target. So it just kind of depends on what your niche is. (04:41) Yeah, exactly. I 100% agree with you. It's always good to err on the side of setting the ACoS target a little bit higher just because it gives us some more room to kind of play with. You know, and then just gradually lower that cost percentage from there. But yeah, you make a really great point. Setting that ACoS percentage high in the beginning doesn't even mean we're going to reach that 100% ACoS percentage. It just means we're going to be raising our bids and being really aggressive on our campaigns. And we can always lower it later. We don't have to keep it at that 100% forever. We can always come back once we start ranking organically. We can begin to kind of lower that cost percentage over time. (05:12) What if I have a campaign that's 10 keywords in it, but there's, you know, one keyword that takes all the spend, it takes all the budget, and I want to rank high for it? Yeah, but it's taking all the budget. What would you do with that one individual keyword? (05:37) Yeah, if it's just that one individual keyword that's taking up all the budget, I would consider just separating that out into a separate campaign. So that way, we can focus the budget for that one keyword. And then if we want to, we can set the ACoS percentage target really high for that one campaign, for that one keyword. So those ranking terms, we can kind of separate those out, and everything else we can optimize to the ACoS target that we want to go ahead and optimize for. (06:03) I think that's super powerful right there. If you didn't hear that, go back and watch that again. What Scott's saying is basically, if you have a really high-search keyword that you want to go after, put that in its own campaign, set the target real high. Your bids will continue to go up. And then the other campaign, you can kind of bring that target ACoS down a little bit more because it's not so much of the search volume keywords that you're going after. But those kind of just optimize themselves, but you're still going heavy after your big one. I love that. I love that. (06:30) Exactly, exactly. And Chris, one last thing I kind of want to bring up with you too is that a lot of times, too, we'll get people with thousands, hundreds of keywords within a campaign, and then they'll come in and turn on the optimizer, and the software will go ahead and test on all of those individual keywords, specifically if those keywords don't have any history to them or anything like that. A lot of spend could happen really quickly. So you just gotta be careful when you turn on the software. If you do have thousands of keywords within a campaign, maybe you want to go ahead and cut some of those keywords back so that the software can just test on some of your best keywords instead of just a lot of random keywords that are not relevant to your product. (07:04) Yeah, and I'm a big fan of splitting up your keywords into different campaigns based on the search volume. So if you've done your keyword research right, you'll know your top ten keywords that get the most searches, the medium-sized ones, and the lower-sized ones. Like, I would split those up into three different campaigns and do exact match on those campaigns. And that way, if your budget's only $100, you're gonna allow that $100 to be given to all those keywords. And if you put them all in one campaign, it's not gonna work out, right? You're not gonna give those other keywords a chance to even get some sales because your top ones are gonna spend all the money. So separating them out by search volume, I think, is a great idea. (07:39) Yeah, 100% agree with that. That's a great way to separate those out. Cool. Well, there's just a few things about the best practices for the optimizer. Inside your Sellozo account, there's a Support tab where you'll be able to see all these videos. In there, there's also where you can contact Support. So if you do have a general question, simply just contact the Support team. There's also video tutorials, knowledge base, more stuff's coming out. So be sure to check that. It's in your Support tab. You'll be able to see that. Scott, appreciate it, man. (08:06) All right, thanks a lot, Chris.
Amazon PPC Dayparting Tutorial
TRANSCRIPT: In this video, we're going to talk about dayparting: how to use it and good use cases to use it. With me is Brock Gettemeier our head of support at Sellozo. First let's talk about how to set it up: navigate to your ppc manager and go to the campaigns tab uh now what dayparting is is pausing and enabling your campaign based on hours of the day or day of the week. So this could be anything from a/b testing all sorts of different use cases. Turning it on though is very straightforward: just click the actions button, navigate down to “dayparting” - it's the last one on the box - and then you can go ahead and click and drag the hours you want it to run. Literally, you could pick one day a week you could pick one hour a week you could pick whatever you wanted and you could also change the time zone. As you can see we default to what Amazon Seller Central uses. So we use green check marks which means your ad during that hour during that day will run. The empty box means that your ad will be paused during those times so in this particular case, pacific time, your ads will turn on at six am every single day and run for the rest of the day. Very simple all right. So let's talk about why you would use dayparting yeah this is actually one of the areas where I feel like a lot of very sophisticated users could still benefit um the number one thing um that I use dayparting for is budget control if we are in a situation where we cannot spend more money on this campaign. There's really not a reason that you shouldn't be trying out dayparting and the reason I say that is if you only have a hundred dollars a day to spend and you know you can spend two hundred dollars through the entire day well you should pick the most cost-effective time to advertise. General rule of thumb is that you're selling a morning product, cutting off the middle of the night. So for example what you have right here selected is a pretty good starting point. If you don't know anything about when your customers are buying, when's the most effective time to advertise, but you are running out of budget, almost always you will lower your ACoS by cutting off the first four to six hours of the day in pacific time. Not that many people are actually converting at 3 am. One point that Brock mentioned also, is every ad restarts at 12:01 am Pacific time if you're in the U.S. Marketplace so it is the most competitive time to run your ads and as the day goes on, other competitors are running out of budget so your cost-per-click could be coming down. This is your point there's a lot of help here in terms of conserving your budget. Now there are also other things that you can do: some very sophisticated aggressive strategies too. You might actually not want to take the top ad slot but drive up the cost per click of the top axle so you could have some campaigns that are running uh purposely in the morning to try to get your competitors to run out of budget early in the day and then the second campaign that comes in and takes the lower cost clicks later. Now that's a pretty extreme example but you can see how they can be very very advanced in the use cases and strategies. The one other one that I would say I use is probably almost as common as just controlling when you're spending. For example, hitting budget is a/b testing so this is a great great way to a/b test. You can clone the campaign which you can do by clicking “actions” and “clone campaign” - very straightforward. But then you can clone the campaign and run them head to head at different hours of the day to figure out which hours of the day are most profitable. You could also go ahead and clone the campaign and then swap the product out. For example, maybe you have two different color variations and you want to test them head to head: you could do that through cloning and dayparting them. And then another great example is um products that have a weekly cyclical cycle if you sell office supply products and you're not using dayparting that whole niche should be using dayparting. I mean eight to five eight to six those are the peak hours for anything office supply related: monday through friday and it is so easy to focus in on when your customers are buying using this right here super straightforward. I feel like dayparting is wildly underutilized among sellers and it can really bring a lot of efficiencies to your ad spend and cut the ACoS in half. yeah yeah, great stuff there Brock it's super easy to set up inside Sellozo just like we showed you. A great use case for this and go ahead and test out your campaigns right now and see if you can cut your ACoS in half that's dayparting inside Sellozo.
Launch a New Amazon Ad Campaign in Sellozo
TRANSCRIPT: (00:03) [Music] In this video, we're going to talk about dayparting, how to use it, and good use cases with Sellozo. Joining me is Brock Gettermeyer, our Head of Support at Sellozo. Brock, are you ready to talk about dayparting? Let's do it. There's a lot of really cool stuff here. First, let's talk about how to set it up. Yeah, first things first, navigate to your PPC Manager and go to the Campaigns tab. Dayparting is the process of pausing and enabling your campaign based on hours of the day or day of the week. (00:35) So, this could be anything from A/B testing to various use cases. Turning it on is straightforward. Just click the Actions button, navigate down to Dayparting (the last option in the box), and then you can click and drag the hours you want the campaign to run. You can pick a specific day or hour per week, based on your preference. You can also change the time zone. We default to the time zone used by Amazon Seller Central. (01:07) A green checkmark indicates that your ad will run during that hour or day, while an empty box means your ad will be paused during those times. In this example, for Pacific Time, your ads will turn on at 6 am every day and run for the rest of the day. It's very simple. Now, let's discuss why you would use dayparting. This is an area where even sophisticated users can benefit. The number one thing I use dayparting for is budget control. (01:45) If we are in a situation where we cannot spend more money on a campaign, there's no reason not to try dayparting. For example, if you only have a budget of $100 a day and you know you can spend $200 throughout the day, you should choose the most cost-effective time to advertise. A general rule of thumb is that if you're selling a morning product, you should cut off advertising during the middle of the night. So, the selected time in this case is a good starting point. (02:16) If you don't know when your customers are buying or the most effective time to advertise but you're running out of budget, cutting off the first four to six hours of the day in Pacific Time will usually lower your ACoS. Not many people are converting at 3 am, for example. Another point to note is that every ad restarts at 12:01 am Pacific Time in the US marketplace, which is the most competitive time to run your ads. As the day goes on, your competitors may run out of budget, so your cost per click could decrease. (02:50) There are many other strategies you can employ. For instance, you might not want to take the top ad slot but drive up the cost per click of the top position. You can have campaigns running in the morning to get your competitors to exhaust their budget early in the day, and then have another campaign that takes advantage of lower-cost clicks later on. This is an extreme example, but it demonstrates how dayparting can be used in advanced strategies. Another common use case is A/B testing. (03:19) You can clone a campaign and run them head-to-head at different hours of the day to determine the most profitable times. You can also clone a campaign and swap out the product, such as testing different color variations. Additionally, for products with a weekly cyclical cycle, such as office supply products, dayparting is highly recommended. Focusing on peak hours (8 am to 5 pm or 8 am to 6 pm) from Monday to Friday can greatly improve your targeting. (04:24) Dayparting is widely underutilized among sellers, but it can bring significant efficiencies to your ad spend, potentially halving your ACoS. That's great information, Brock. It's incredibly easy to set up dayparting in Sellozo, as we've shown you. The user interface is user-friendly, so go ahead and test your campaigns right now. See if you can cut your ACoS in half with dayparting in Sellozo. [Music]
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