Need help signing up for Amazon Professional Selling? Follow the steps below to upgrade your Seller Central account to an Amazon Professional Selling account.
Steps to Signup for Amazon Professional Account
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Why Professional Seller?
If you are not familiar with what it means to be a Professional Seller on Amazon, we recommend that you read the information here. Please note the monthly subscription fee and other selling fees Amazon charges for the Professional Selling Plan.
Step #1
Seller Central Account Account Info
On the homepage of your Amazon Seller Central Account
Click the Settings in the upper-right hand corner.
Select Account Info from the dropdown menu.
Step #2
Manage your Seller Central Account
On the homepage of your Amazon Seller Central Account
Click the Manage link
Step #3
Upgrade your Account
In the middle section of this screen
Click the Upgrade button
Step #4
Change Selling Plan
Click the Proceed button
Read the information on the Change Selling Plan page carefully before continuing.
Step #5
Finishing up Amazon signup steps
Finish up Amazon sign up steps
From here, follow the sign up steps, providing the requested Billing/Deposit and Tax information and submit it to Amazon.
Sellozo’s user-friendly platform makes it easy to track your Amazon advertising campaigns.
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