Conversion Rate on AmazonConversion rate on Amazon is an important metric for sellers because it is essential to ranking highly on Amazon. Within Amazon’s A9...
Split Testing on AmazonSplit testing on Amazon is similar to traditional A/B testing marketers usually use to test different variations of websites to find what...
The 6 Elements All High-Quality Amazon Product Listings Must HaveAmazon product listings that are high-quality make it easy for customers to find and purchase products. If a product listing is...
3 Ways to Optimize Your Amazon Business in Time for Prime DayBelieve it or not, Amazon Prime Day is right around the corner. In just over two months, on Monday, July 16, the e-commerce giant will...
Keyword Match TypesWhat are Keyword Match Types? Keyword match types help determine the nature by which keywords will help display your Amazon Sponsored...
Back-end Search Terms on AmazonWhat are Back-end or Amazon Search Terms? Amazon search terms are the words customers type in the search box in order to find products....
What are Negative Keywords?What are negative keywords? Well, we’ve all heard about keywords and how choosing the right ones can boost your sales. You’d think you’d...