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  • How do I get user permissions to a seller central account?
    In order to get the user permissions for a seller’s Seller Central account, you will need to do the following steps Login to your Seller Central account and click on Settings >> User Permissions on the top right-hand side corner of the page Once you are on the User Permissions page of your seller/client’s account invite yourself as a user on their account Once you have completed the steps above, you will receive an email with a link to Accept and Continue with the process. Click on the link in the email, login to and you will be able to select the seller from the dropdown on the top of the page Login back to your seller/client’s seller central account and you should be able to provide permissions to your user account to be able to make changes on behalf of the client
  • Does Sellozo have a free trial?
    Yes. We offer a 14-day trial so you can try out the tools for free before paying. You do have to enter your credit card information to sign up, but if you cancel before the end of the trial period, you will not be charged. You can cancel your subscription at any time.
  • How do Sellozo's tools work?
    PPC Manager When you sign up, we connect to your Seller Central account and then you can either enable existing Campaigns for us to manage or our platform can help you easily Launch new campaigns for products. Once you turn on the Optimizer and set an ACoS target, our system will then automatically adjust bids up and down for search terms and keywords to maximize profitability and hit ACoS goals. Sellozo will also automatically apply negative keywords when search terms are determined to be particularly bad for a given product. Repricer Once you turn on the repricer, our system will automatically adjust your product prices based on criteria you specify to win and stay in the Buy Box. Insights & Analytics Our dashboard tracks your sales and ad spend to give you a high-level look at your profitability. We also provide insights on your inventory levels. We also have a ProductVu that shows a breakdown of the costs and sales associated with each of your products. You can view which campaigns each product is in and make adjustments accordingly. Financial Reporting You can manage your Amazon finances using our Financial Reporting tool. We automatically import your fees from Seller Central and organize them by SKU. You can enter your Cost of Goods, Inbound Shipping, and any other additional costs to make sure this report is as accurate as possible.
  • What makes Sellozo different?
    We get this question quite a bit. First, price. Our prices are significantly lower than other Amazon PPC manager platforms. Thousands of sellers have used Sellozo and have seen an average of 70% growth in profits after using Sellozo’s advanced automation. We eat, sleep, breathe Amazon ROI, so everything about Sellozo is geared towards helping Amazon sellers achieve that goal. WE want you to be successful in your Amazon business and are constantly focusing on building new and innovative tools and strategies to help you grow faster. Our results speak for us 🙂
  • Why can’t I get past step one in the signup process?
    Here are a few things to consider if you are having problems signing up: Are you using the same credentials (email and password) you use to login to Amazon Seller Central? Do you have an Amazon Professional Seller account? If you need to sign up for an Amazon Professional Seller account, you can view our tutorial by clicking here. Have you enabled Amazon Sponsored Product ads in your account? If you need help, click here. Do you sell on Amazon US, CA, MX, UK, ES, DE, FR, or IT? We currently only support those marketplaces. Does the email you are using have “View and Edit” User Permissions to Advertising? Are you an account administrator on the Amazon Seller Central account? If you are still experiencing issues, please contact and include as much information regarding the issues you’re experiencing so we can further assist you in the signup process.
  • What is the Best Seller Ranking?
    Amazon's Best Seller rank (BSR) is calculated based on the sales of a product. It is a number that nearly every product in Amazon’s multi-million product catalog is awarded once the item has had at least one sale. For that reason, the BSR is a good indicator of how well a product is currently selling on Amazon. The lower the product's BSR, the better its sales. For example, a product with a rank of #1 means it has recently sold more than any other product in that category. The below chart shows the current and past ranking of the product in that specific category based on its sales volume:
  • How do Sellozo's tools work?
    PPC Manager When you sign up, we connect to your Seller Central account and then you can either enable existing Campaigns for us to manage or our platform can help you easily Launch new campaigns for products. Once you turn on the Optimizer and set an ACoS target, our system will then automatically adjust bids up and down for search terms and keywords to maximize profitability and hit ACoS goals. Sellozo will also automatically apply negative keywords when search terms are determined to be particularly bad for a given product. Repricer Once you turn on the repricer, our system will automatically adjust your product prices based on criteria you specify to win and stay in the Buy Box. Insights & Analytics Our dashboard tracks your sales and ad spend to give you a high-level look at your profitability. We also provide insights on your inventory levels. We also have a ProductVu that shows a breakdown of the costs and sales associated with each of your products. You can view which campaigns each product is in and make adjustments accordingly. Financial Reporting You can manage your Amazon finances using our Financial Reporting tool. We automatically import your fees from Seller Central and organize them by SKU. You can enter your Cost of Goods, Inbound Shipping, and any other additional costs to make sure this report is as accurate as possible.
  • I've successfully signed up, now what?
    First of all, thanks for signing up! The first thing that will happen is we will port over your existing campaigns into the dashboard. Once that’s finished, you will be able to launch new campaigns or manage existing campaigns through the PPC MAnager. YOu can also explore the ProductVu to start entering your CoGS for your products to measure True PRofit per SKU, tag products for better product management in your store, and view the true impact of PPC campaigns on your organic sales.
  • I just signed up and enabled Sellozo to manage my campaigns. What happens now?
    Thanks for signing up! We’re happy to have you on board with us and we’re excited to start helping you grow your Amazon business! To get started, select the campaigns you would like to optimize using Sellozo. This can be done by switching the toggle button on the campaign view. Once selected, our optimizer works like this: We launch some automatic targeting campaigns to start collecting some initial search terms that are relevant to your products. After you get a sale, we will analyze the auto campaigns and launch corresponding manual campaigns utilizing the keywords and performance data from the auto campaigns. Sellozo then applies optimized bids based off the collected data using our proprietary software. The auto campaign will continue to run at a reduced budget, and based on daily performance, the manual campaigns will be optimized for bids & keywords and add new keywords that earned sales. Repeat Step 3 until all your campaigns reach the ACoS target specified. Quick Tips: DO NOT turn off existing campaigns and launch new campaigns that are close to your target ACoS and are driving sales. We will optimize your existing campaigns as-is. DO NOT set your target ACoS too low. It may hinder your ability to get traffic to your listings. The optimizer runs once per day and will start adjusting bids, setting negative keywords where necessary, and creating manual campaigns for you when needed to optimize bids. You should see the action in your activity log in the next 24 hours.
  • Would you recommend starting campaigns for all products, or just a small selection to see how successful it is?
    Most users start with a smaller subset of their products. It may take 2-3 weeks to get a solid picture of campaign performance based on your ad spend, among other factors, so it also depends on how quickly you want to start seeing results for all the products you want to advertise.
  • Is there any benefit to using an existing campaign as opposed to a Sellozo launched campaign?
    If you have been running a Sponsored Products ad campaign before starting with Sellozo, you have access to data that Sellozo can manage to quickly optimize your old campaign and create new converting campaigns quickly. When Sellozo launches a campaign, we start with an Automatic campaign to gather search terms related to the product. Then we work our magic and adjust bids, negative keywords, and find the best converting search terms. If you have spent money running a campaign, you have access to valuable keyword data for your products, just turn on the optimizer and Sellozo will do the work. By choosing to use the optimizer on an existing campaign, this will expedite the process and save you time and money because you don’t have to recreate that campaign and start all over again.
  • How do I launch an existing campaign with Sellozo?
    Below are the steps you need to follow in order to manage an existing campaign in Sellozo: From the Sellozo Dashboard Click on the PPC Manager Tab in the left-hand side menu and navigate to the Campaigns tab Click on Edit for the campaign you would like to Turn the Optimizer ON on. Click the “Optimized” toggle switch to turn the Optimizer ON/OFF on the campaign Please make sure you enter a Target ACoS for your campaign. Click on Apply Changes You can also perform the same action on multiple campaigns at once using the bulk actions: Select the campaigns by clicking the checkbox by the campaign names and click on “Adjust Campaigns” If you have further questions, please feel free to reach out to us via chat or send us an email at
  • What can I see in the Activity Log?
    The Activity Log shows you all the optimizations (and why they happened) and other changes made to your account. Here’s an example of what the Activity Log looks like: Some of these changes include: Increasing/decreasing ad group and keyword bids Enabling/disabling the Sellozo optimizer on a campaign Increasing/decreasing your campaign budget Identify new keywords/search terms and apply them to the appropriate campaigns Negative keywords applied Sellozo aims to be an exceptionally transparent, non-black-box solution for managing your Amazon ads.
  • How to Add Tags to Products
    From the Sellozo Dashboard, select ProductVu from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen. On the ProductVu page, select products to add or update tags. The Add Tags box will pop up on the right hand of the screen. You can add or edit existing tags by choosing Add, Keep or Remove. To enter a new tag, type it into the text box and click Add Tag. Once you’re finished, click Apply Tags.
  • How to Enter Cost of Goods and Shipping Fees for True Profit
    The True Profit calculator automatically pulls everything except your cost of goods and inbound shipping fees directly from your account so you’ll only need to enter those two numbers for each product. This information is kept secure and private and is not shared with Amazon at any time. Here’s how you can enter the cost of goods and inbound shipping fees for each product. From the Sellozo Dashboard, select ProductVu from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen. Find the product you want to enter the cost of goods and shipping fees for and select the Actions drop-down menu. On the drop-down menu, select Update Costs. Enter the Unit Costs and Inbound Shipping Fees. Click Apply to save your entries.
  • How to Sort by Best or Worst Performing Products
    From the Sellozo Dashboard, select ProductVu from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen. Select the Sort button to see the Sort menu options. Choose a metric to sort by in the first drop-down menu and then select Ascending or Descending. The page will automatically refresh once you’ve entered both metrics. The ProductVu page is automatically sorted by descending True Profit.
  • How to Filter for Products that are not being Advertised
    From the Sellozo Dashboard, select ProductVu from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen. Select the Filters button to see the Filter By menu options. Select Active Ads from the first drop-down menu. Then select Equal to from the second drop-down menu. In the text box, enter the number 0. Click Save or hit Enter to see products that are not being advertised.
  • What is the Buy Box chart?
    This chart shows the Buy Box History for each ASIN. It includes both the Prime Buy Box and the NonPrime Buy Box, as well as the number of Competitors. Sellers can zoom into the chart for greater detail into the fluctuations in prices and offers and can also click and drag to pan the chart through time. This data is updated each time we receive an ”Any Offer Change” notification. If you are the owner of the Buy Box, those times are shown in Green, when another Seller wins the Buy Box, those times are shown in Red.
  • What is the Current Offers chart?
    This chart shows the history of what price is winning the buy box and whether or not you are the winner for that product:
  • How to Launch New Campaigns
    You can launch new campaigns for products individually and in bulk for multiple products. From the Sellozo Dashboard, select ProductVu from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen. To launch new campaigns for individual products, once on the ProductVu page, check the boxes for the individual products you want to launch campaigns for and then click Launch Campaigns. The Campaign Launch box will pop up on the right-hand side of the screen. Enter a name for the campaign. Enter a daily budget, select a target ACoS and bid strategy from the drop-down menus. Click Launch to start the campaigns. To launch new campaigns for products in bulk, select all of the products to launch new campaigns for and follow the same steps.
  • How to Bulk Update Campaigns
    There are two ways to make updates to your campaigns: individually and in bulk for multiple products. From the Sellozo Dashboard, select ProductVu from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen. On the ProductVu page, you can either select multiple products to perform bulk updates or choose products individually. To make updates to individual products, select the check box for the product you want to apply campaign updates to. Click Adjust Campaigns to open the adjustments box. You can update the Daily Budget, Bid Strategy, and Target ACoS easily and quickly. You can click Push to apply the changes to all of the preceding campaigns. When you’re finished, simply click Apply Changes. To make bulk updates to more than one product, select the checkbox for all of the products you want to apply campaign updates to and follow the same steps.
  • How do I update campaign groups using the bulk upload csv file?
    Sellozo customers can now use the bulk upload feature to bulk edit/modify associations between campaigns. The “Download CSV” option allows you, customers, to download a list of their existing campaign groups and they can use this template to bulk create new or modify existing campaigns. Below is a list of all the columns and the allowed values to be entered into the spreadsheet. Column Name → Allowed Values Source Campaign → Name of the Campaign Source Ad Group → Name of the Ad Group Source Target ACoS → 1-100 (numbers only, no decimals) Source Optimized → 0,1 (1 indicates campaign is Sellozo Optimized) Value Type → searchTerm, keyword Trigger Type → converting, notConverting Match Type → broad, phrase, exact, keywordMatch (keywordMatch applies only for keywords) Destination Campaign → Name of the Campaign Destination Ad Group → Name of the Ad Group Destination Target ACoS → 1-100 (numbers only, no decimals) Destination Optimized → 0,1 (1 indicates campaign is Sellozo Optimized) If you have additional questions or need further help, please feel free to reach out to us via chat or email us at
  • What different campaign strategy blueprints are available?
    We have several different pre-defined strategies that you can use, based on your goals. You can either launch new campaigns or map the strategies to existing campaigns or ad groups. Auto-Manual: This strategy allows sellers to automatically move successful search terms from an auto campaign to a manual campaign as exact keywords. You can reconfigure to move the keywords as broad or phrase match by editing the keyword transfer rule associated with the campaigns. This is the most commonly used strategy to optimize keyword discovery. Auto-Manual-KeywordTest: This strategy allows sellers to automatically move successful search terms from an auto campaign to a manual campaign as exact keywords. You can reconfigure to move the keywords as broad or phrase match by editing the keyword transfer rule associated with the campaigns. For keywords in the manual campaigns that do not convert, the strategy automatically moves them into the keyword test campaign. This way the sellers can control how much they are budgeting towards testing non-converting keywords. This strategy is best suited for testing keywords, whether manually uploaded or with higher conversion rates historically. Auto-Manual Overdrive (Recommended by This strategy allows sellers to move successful search terms from an auto campaign to a manual campaign as exact keywords. You can reconfigure to move the keywords as broad or phrase match by editing the keyword transfer rule associated with the campaigns. Alongside this auto-manual pair, an additional overdrive manual campaign is available to manage specific keywords that are not automatically transferred between the campaigns. This is best suited for use cases where you would like to keep bidding on specific keywords to maintain a high organic ranking in the overdrive campaign while not affecting performance on the auto-manual campaign pair. Auto-Broad-Phrase-Exact: This strategy allows sellers to automatically move successful search terms from the auto campaign to a manual campaign with a broad match first. Once successful/converting keywords are discovered in the broad campaign, they are automatically moved to the phrase match campaign and eventually into the exact match campaigns. Broad-Phrase-Exact: This strategy allows sellers to automatically move successful and converting keywords from a broad-match manual campaign to a phrase match and later to an exact match manual campaign. Broad-Exact: This strategy allows sellers to automatically move successful and converting keywords from a broad-match campaign to an exact-match campaign. Auto-Broad-Exact: This strategy allows sellers to automatically move successful search terms from the auto campaign to a manual campaign with a broad match first. Once successful/converting keywords are discovered in the broad campaign, they are automatically moved to the exact-match campaign. Custom: This strategy allows sellers to customize the campaigns or ad groups in any pattern of their choice. This strategy is best suited for advanced sellers.
  • How can I change my target ACoS for enabled campaigns?
    Below are the steps to change your Target ACoS on a campaign – Navigate to the PPC Manager by clicking on PPC Manager in the left-hand side menu Click on “Edit” for the campaign you would like to change your Target ACoS for You can either select a Target ACoS or enter a custom value Click “Apply Changes” when you are done Y ou can also make bulk changes by selecting multiple campaigns and clicking on the “Adjust Campaign” option
  • How do I turn on the Sellozo Optimizer for Existing Campaigns?
    If you have existing campaigns already running on your seller account, you can turn on the Sellozo Optimizer in just a few clicks. From the Sellozo Dashboard, click PPC Manager on the left-hand side of the screen. On the PPC Manager page, find the existing campaign you want to turn the Sellozo Optimizer on to manage. Click the Actions drop-down menu and select Campaign Settings. On the Adjust Campaigns box, find the Optimized column and toggle the switch to On to turn on the Sellozo Optimizer for the campaign. Make sure the other settings are correct and click Apply Changes.
  • How do I change a campaign budget?
    Below are the steps to change your budget for a campaign – Navigate to the PPC Manager by clicking on PPC Manager in the left-hand side menu Click on “Edit” for the campaign you would like to change your budget for You can enter your new campaign budget on the Adjust Campaign screen Click “Apply Changes” when you are done You can also make bulk changes by selecting multiple campaigns and clicking on the “Adjust Campaign” option
  • Does Sellozo's platform automatically identify negative keywords?
    Yes! Sellozo’s intelligent platform automatically identifies keywords that are not driving customers to purchase your products and creates negative keywords to block them. This means your Amazon advertising campaigns are only targeting the best and most relevant keywords for your Amazon Sponsored Products.
  • How do I edit my ad group bid?
    Below are the steps to change your bids on an ad group Navigate to the Ad Groups tab by clicking on PPC Manager in the left-hand side menu and clicking on Ad Groups Click on “Edit” for the ad group you would like to change your bids for You can enter your new Default Bid in the Adjust AdGroups window. You can also set the “Lock Bid” option so that the bid remains unchanged by the optimizer Click “Apply Changes” when you are done You can also make bulk changes by selecting multiple ad groups and clicking on the “Adjust AdGroups” option
  • Can I compare a Sellozo created campaign with an existing campaign?
    No. Having two separate Amazon campaigns with the same product will not yield similar results as only one campaign will receive the sale. This results in fragmented data where you will not be able to appropriately assess the campaign and how it is performing. The ideal amazon campaign structure is to have similar products with similar Amazon search terms in the same amazon campaigns. Duplicating amazon manual campaigns with the exact same products and Amazon keywords will also result in testing the same keywords twice, and the campaign with the higher bids will gain the majority of the traffic. If you would like to keep your existing campaign bids, you can use Sellozo’s ‘clone’ feature. This will allow you to revert back and enable the clone campaign if desired: Click PPC Manager > Actions > Clone Campaign Pause the campaign after it has been cloned Enable the optimizer for the existing campaign for continued testing Using Sellozos Clone Feature in PPC
  • How does Sellozo's ad software perform bid analysis?
    Sellozo is an automated Amazon ad software platform that intelligently uses data from previous Amazon advertising campaigns to alter future bids accordingly. This ensures your Amazon advertising campaigns through Sellozo are always optimized for the best possible bid.
  • I just created a new Amazon Sponsored Listing campaign in Sellozo, where is my data?
    Once ads on Amazon are launched within the Sellozo platform, data will be available to you the next day. This is because Amazon Seller Central only sends PPC ad and sales data to Sellozo once per day. However, any historical campaign information can be viewed in Sellozo’s dashboard immediately.
  • What is the difference between the two bid strategies?
    Conservative The conservative setting will increase bids slower when testing and decrease faster when there is any indication that a keyword is not working. This is best suited for the ACoS conscious sellers. Aggressive The aggressive setting will make bigger bid increases to try and get traffic to judge keyword success faster but at the cost of a higher ACoS in the short term. Aggressive campaigns will typically try a lot more search terms than conservative campaigns but will have a larger short term profit hit during the learning phase, which is usually a week or two. This is best suited for sellers who don’t mind a slightly higher ACoS to achieve more sales.
  • How do I determine my daily Amazon ad budget?
    Your daily budget is entirely dependent on what you feel comfortable spending. The more you spend quickly, the faster you acquire sales data. Lower campaign budgets mean it will take longer to acquire that sales data. The quicker you can acquire sales data, the quicker you can find the converting and profitable search terms and use that information to run successful campaigns. Here is more information regarding the daily budget: How-do-I-determine-my-daily-budget Reminder: Daily budget is not a true daily budget. It’s a monthly average. If you want to spend ~$300 a month, you’d set your budget at $10 a day. However, Amazon could spend $12 on one day and then $8 the day after because you had a leftover budget from the day before. Account-level: You can control exactly what your cap is per day, or you can let your campaign budgets dictate spend. Example: 3 campaigns running on a $20 per day budget, you set an account cap at $50 per day then all campaigns will stop when the account total reaches $50. How-do-I-determine-my-daily-budget
  • Can I compare a Sellozo created campaign with an existing campaign?
    No. Having two separate amazon campaigns with the same product will not yield similar results as only one campaign will receive the sale. This results in fragmented data where you will not be able to appropriately assess the amazon ppc software and how it is performing. The ideal amazon campaign structure is to have similar products with similar amazon search terms into the same amazon campaigns. Duplicating amazon manual campaigns with the exact same products and amazon keywords will also result in testing the same keywords twice, and the campaign with the higher bids will gain the majority of the traffic. If you would like to keep your existing campaign bids before enabling the amazon ads software, you can use Sellozo’s ‘clone’ feature. This will allow to revert back and enable the clone campaign feature if desired. Click PPC Manager > Actions > Clone Campaign Pause the campaign after it has been cloned Enabled the Sellozo software for the existing campaign
  • What are the Amazon ad types available in Sellozo?
    Sellozo supports all the Amazon Sponsored ad types: Sponsored Product, Sponsored Brand, and Sponsored Display. Below are more details on the capabilities of each ad type: Sponsored Product ads are Amazon ads designed to promote individual listings and target shoppers who are looking for products similar to the advertised product. These ads appear within search results and on product detail pages. There are two types of Amazon Sponsored Products: Keyword or Product targeted ads, which both look very similar to organic search results and link to the product detail page. In terms of content, Sponsored Product ads are created automatically based on the advertised product listing: Keywords targeting ads: Keyword targeting in Sellozo and Amazon is a feature that allows you to select specific, relevant keywords that will show your product ads in relevant searches and product detail pages. Use this strategy when you know the search terms that shoppers use to search for products similar to yours. Product targeting ads: Product targeting, also known as Amazon ASIN targeting, is offered in Sellozo and Amazon PPC ad campaigns and which display Sponsored Product ads on other ASIN pages and in category search results. The Seller can choose specific products, categories, brands, or other product features that are similar to the advertised product. Product targeting offers the opportunity to increase the granularity of ads, build greater brand awareness, and improve ad performance. In many cases, Amazon product targeting campaigns achieve a higher ROAS than keyword targeting campaigns. Sponsored Brand ads are PPC ads designed to increase the visibility of your brand among customers shopping for products similar to the advertised product. These ads appear in Amazon search results or product detail pages and feature your brand logo, a custom headline, and multiple products. There are three targeting options: Keywords, Categories, and Products. There are also multiple destination options for customers who click on the ad: Product detail pages, Your Store, New landing page, or a Custom URL. There are three types of Sponsored Brand ad formats to choose from: Product Collection, Store Spotlight, and Video. Product Collection: The Product Collection ad type allows the Seller to target up to three products in from a landing page of their choice, either directly to a custom branded Amazon storefront or a dedicated landing page that only features the advertised products. Store Spotlight: The Store Spotlight ad type is only available to brand-registered Sellers who have created a Store page as it redirects customers directly to the Store page (which only displays the brand’s products, no competitor ads will appear on this page). Store Spotlight is great for brands that sell multiple products across a variety of categories or subcategories. Video: Sponsored Brands Video ads are short (15-30 seconds), but informative video content that helps the product stand out in the search results. Sponsored Display ads are a self-service advertising product that allows any brand owner on Amazon to use display advertising to grow their business. Through views remarketing, advertisers can target shoppers who have viewed their product detail pages with ads on Amazon and on third-party websites. Along with the options for custom images, headlines, or logos, Sponsored Display has two options for targeting: Product and Audiences: Product targeting: Sellers can reach shoppers actively considering similar or complementary products and categories on Amazon, with ads that may appear in placements on product detail pages, shopping results pages, and alongside customer reviews. Audience targeting: Sponsored Display audiences help to engage or reengage audiences who have viewed the advertised products, similar products, relevant categories, and even categories that don’t include the advertised products on Amazon. Sponsored Display audiences ads appear both on and off Amazon. On Amazon, placements appear in prominent positions such as the homepage and product detail pages. Off Amazon, placements appear on Twitch or third-party apps and websites.
  • What is a Store Spotlight Sponsored Brand Campaign?
    Store Spotlight campaigns are a type of Sponsored Brand Campaign for Amazon sellers that are Brand Registered. These can drive traffic to your Amazon Store, help increase brand awareness, and are more customizable than traditional Sponsored Brand campaigns.
  • What is the difference between Auto Campaign vs Manual Campaign?
    Auto PPC Campaign: This type of campaign is going to work as a search campaign. It can find keywords/search terms for you to bid on and get conversions on. Manual PPC Campaigns: This type of campaign is going to be where you can bid on those keywords the auto campaign found. The manual campaign is going to be the campaign where you narrow down your bids and find the profitability.
  • What is the difference between the “search terms’ tab & the “targeting” tab?
    Search Terms Tab: This tab is for the search terms/keywords the auto PPC campaigns are picking up. Targeting Tab: This tab is where we can track and edit the bid amounts for what’s called the “inner bids” or compliments, substitutes, close match, and loose match bids for our auto campaigns.
  • Where do Auto campaigns get the search terms?
    Auto PPC campaigns get their terms from Amazon, the terms collected are things that visitors are already typing into Amazon to find similar products. Auto campaigns not only pick up on search terms but they also can pick up on ASINs that are similar to your products as well.
  • What is the top of search multiplier?
    The top of search multiplier is a campaign-level tool designed to multiply keyword bids at a set percentage to compete for the top of search slot. You can enable this feature under campaigns > action button > edit campaign > advanced tab > enter desired percentage into “top of search placement %”. By entering in a percentage, you indicate by what amount you are willing to multiply your bid to compete for the top of search result. For example, if your default campaign bid is at $1 and you enter 300%, the bid will be raised up to $3 to compete for the top result. This tool is most useful when applied aggressively (100-300%) in a single product ranking campaign. This advanced campaign strategy is great for improving organic ranking on Amazon because the top search slot has the highest conversion rate. For a keyword you wish to rank on, you can set a lower bid with an aggressive multiplier. When eligible to take the top of search placement, your bid will be multiplied by the percentage you set.
  • When should I turn on product targeting?
    Product targeting is a great tool that allows you to target competitors’ (or your own) ASINs with ads. You can toggle on product targeting for automatic campaigns under the campaigns tab > action button > edit campaign > product targeting, or in campaign studio by clicking on a campaign link and adding in an ASIN transfer rule. We recommend turning on product targeting when you begin to see ASINs popping up in the search terms of an auto campaign, as this is a good indication that there are relevant ASIN targets with conversions. It is a great method to get more aggressive on a campaign.
  • When should I not optimize a campaign?
    Anytime you don’t want automatic bid adjustments made you can leave the optimizer turned off. There are a few specific campaigns that should rarely be optimized. A top of search ranking campaign with a single keyword and a top of search multiplier will not benefit from the optimizer adjusting bids. A low-bid catchall campaign that is designed to stay at a low ACoS while maintaining low bids should not be optimized; the goal of this campaign is never to scale upwards but to gain conversions on low bids with minimal risk of loss. For new accounts with large amounts of keywords, turning on the optimizer for every campaign at once can cause an uptick in spend. If spend is a concern, it is recommended to slowly start optimizing campaigns to prevent excessive keyword testing.
  • Can I change the metrics on the graph?
    Yes! You can remove or add data to the graph by selecting/de-selecting metrics in the “Options” button in the top right corner of the graph section. You also have the option to customize the way your data is displayed on the graph, save those options, and have the same settings reapplied the next time you access the graph by saving your settings as a filter set within the metrics options screen on the graph.
  • How do I use the Financial Reports?
    Financial Reports helps users figure out which products are profitable as well as learn more about how their advertising budget impacts sales. Sellers can also use these financial tools to figure out what fees will impact their final profits, giving a clear picture of what works for the business strategy and what does not. Check out this Youtube video to learn more:
  • What is Amazon Unit Session Percentage & How Do I Find It?
    Unit Session Percentage = The # of sessions for a product detail page/ the # of units ordered For example, if 242 individuals visited a product detail page and 20 people purchased the product, then the amazon unit session percentage would be 12.1% The Unit Session Percentage will give Amazon sellers an understanding of what is wrong (or right) with your Amazon business. The higher the amazon unit session percentage for a product the better, and it is always good to continually improve this number. If you have high page views, but low units ordered – it could mean the product is not desirable enough for Amazon customers to be purchasing with a high conversion rate. If you have low page views, but a high session percentage, it could mean that the product needs more Amazon advertising to increase traffic upon the detail page. To find your Unit Session Percentage in Seller Central, click Reports > Business Reports Click Detail Page Sales and Traffic Amazon Seller Business Reports – Detail Page Sales and Traffic You will then be able to see the different metrics of your product including the Unit Session Percentage Amazon unit session percentage
  • How do I see data across multiple Marketplaces?
    Removing the “Marketplace filter” will show the account level data across all other marketplaces the Seller may have (highlighted below):
  • What are "Other Expenses"?
    Other Expenses are for costs that are not captured by Amazon reporting but that Sellers wish to be included in their profit and loss calculations. Business expenses include things like software subscriptions, product photography, shipping supplies, and warehousing. One-time expenses will be applied on the specific dates that are added to the “Date” field on the “Add Expense” form. Recurring expenses (Daily, Monthly, Annually) will be spread evenly per day for the specified period. Within 24 hours, any expenses created here will be added to the cost calculations on the Overview tab.
  • How often will the repricer update the price?
    The Sellozo Repricer runs every 15 minutes and is also triggered by updates from Amazon.
  • Will the Repricer be able to raise the price?
    The Sellozo Repricer will raise the price when the target competition is higher than what you are selling.
  • How will the Sellozo Repricer react when the BuyBox is held by someone else that is below our minimum price? What is the Punish feature?
    We will never go below the minimum price unless the “Punish” feature is enabled (advanced option in beta right now). When Punish is enabled it will match the competitive price for a period of time (up to 60 minutes) to wait and see if the competition lowers their price below you. If it does, we follow that price down until they stop going down. At that point, we raise the price up by 1 penny to lose the buy box and “pin” the competition down
  • What happens when the Amazon BuyBox reverts to the No BuyBox with the message "sold by these sellers"?
    In the case where you are already the lowest price and you “should” have the buy box, our system will lower your price by 1 penny until you get the buy box or hit your minimum price.
  • How do I use the Automated Repricer?
    Sellozo Repricer Optimizer Below are the steps explaining how to use the Automated Repricer Sellozo’s repricing automation will update your product prices automatically based on the information you enter to keep you winning the Buy Box You can adjust your minimum and maximum prices by using the slider or by typing the prices in each corresponding box Above the slider, you can see your price and the Buy Box Price. Under the slider, you can see your Break-Even Price, which tells you the lowest price you can afford to sell that product at without losing money Under the Min Price and Max Price text boxes, you can see your estimated margin based on selling the product at the entered price Amazon Repricer Automation Clicking the chart icon will bring up the Current Offers box Here you can see the other sellers for the selected product You can see the Listing Price, Shipping Price, Landed Price, whether they are Prime Eligible, and whether they are currently winning the Buy Box for each seller You can choose whether or not to compete against only Prime Eligible sellers or all sellers by checking or unchecking this box Current Offers Box: You can select which seller you want to compete with between the 1st-5th position and by how much you want to beat their lowest price You can choose whether or not to compete against only Prime Eligible sellers or all sellers by checking or unchecking this box Enable Sellozo Repricer To apply any changes you’ve made, click the Apply button Sellozo Amazon Repricer BuyBox Automation This is the Buy Box Tracker. It displays the Prime and non-Prime prices Click on the chart icon to see the Buy Box details for that product This graph shows historically when you have won and lost the Buy Box. It also shows the prices at which the Buy Box was won or lost You can scroll up or down to zoom in or out on the graph Amazon Repricer Buy Box History
  • ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sales)
    ACoS, or advertising cost of sale, is used to measure how well your advertising campaigns on Amazon are performing. Thankfully, ACoS is an easy enough formula to calculate. ACoS is calculated like this: ACoS = (Ad Spend ÷ Sales Revenue) x 100 For example, if you spend $10 to advertise Product A and the advertisement gained you a single sale of $50, then your ACoS would be calculated like this (10 ÷ 50) x 100 = 20.
  • ASIN
    The acronym ASIN stands for Amazon Standard Identification Number. This is a ten character alphanumeric unique identifier that Amazon assigns and are used to identify each product. You can locate each product’s ASIN on the product page in the ‘Product information’ section as shown below.
  • Broad, Phrase, Exact Match
    Broad matches offer ads broad traffic exposure. A shopper’s search term will match if it contains all the keyword terms or close variants such as plural forms in any order. Example: “kitchen aprons” Eligible Search Terms: “kitchen apron”, “discount kitchen aprons”, “purple aprons for kitchen” Ineligible Search Terms: “cooking apron”, “William-Sonoma smock” With phrase matches, the shopper’s search term must contain the exact phrase or sequence of words of their variations. It is more restrictive than broad match, targets more specific audiences, and will generally result in more relevant placements for an ad. Example: “kitchen aprons” Eligible Search Terms: “lightweight kitchen aprons”, “kitchen aprons for men”, “purple kitchen aprons” Ineligible Search Terms: “cool aprons for kitchen”, “nice cooking aprons” For exact matches, the shopper’s search term must match exactly the keyword in order for the ad to show, or close variations of the exact term. The exact match is the most restrictive match type but can be more relevant to a shopper’s search. Example: “kitchen aprons” Eligible Search Terms: “kitchen apron”, “kitchen aprons” Ineligible Search Terms: “pink kitchen aprons”, “aprons for kitchen”, “kitchen aprons for men”
  • Budget Cap
    A monetary limit to the amount Sponsored Products Pay-Per-Click Advertising Campaigns can spend per day on Amazon. Also known as a “global budget cap.” This function is located in Amazon Seller Central by navigating to Advertising>Campaign Manager>Settings.
  • Clicks
    Clicks are defined by Amazon as occurring whenever a shopper clicks on an ad. The clicks metric refers to a count of how many times shoppers have clicked on an ad. Amazon provides the total number of clicks for each campaign and keyword.
  • Click-Through Rate
    Often abbreviated at CTR, click-through rate is a metric used to analyze the ratio between the number of Pay-Per-Click Clicks on an Amazon Sponsored Product, Sponsored Brand or Sponsored Display Advertising Campaign and the number of times the Advertisement is shown (known as the Impression). Here’s how to figure your CTR as a percentage: (Number of Advertising Clicks / Number of Impressions) x 100 And yes, Sellozo displays Click Through Rate in our PPC Manager and our ProductVu so you can be as granular with your data as you’d like!
  • Conversions
    Your conversion rate is calculated by dividing the number of sales (“Total Order Items”) by the number of times people visited your listing, including all return visitors (“Sessions”) which will give you a percentage. This percentage is your conversion rate.
  • Conversion Rate
    This statistic helps Amazon sellers understand how their Amazon Advertising Campaigns are performing in regards to obtaining the Pay-Per-Click Advertising Sale. When selling on Amazon, a conversion is a term for a Pay-Per-Click Advertising Sale. To calculate the Conversion Rate as a percentage: (# of Conversions / # of Advertising Clicks) x 100
  • Cost
    The cost of your advertising.
  • Cost per Click
    The cost per click is the maximum cost per click you are willing to pay when someone clicks on your ad.
  • Dayparting
    Dayparting is the term for an Amazon Advertising Automation tool that allows you to determine during which hours and days of the week you would like to have your Sponsored Product, Sponsored Brand, or Sponsored Display campaigns enabled or “delivering.” Outside of these hours, the Pay-Per-Click advertising campaign will be paused, also known as “not delivering.” In Sellozo, once you turn Dayparting on and designate your time frames, our software will take care of enabling and pausing your campaigns so you don’t have to!
  • Impressions (Imps)
    Impressions are defined by Amazon as occurring whenever an ad is shown to a shopper. The impressions metric is used as a count of how many times each ad has been shown to shoppers. Amazon provides the total number of impressions for each campaign and keyword.
  • Keyword
    A keyword is a word that is used to define a Sponsored Product ad. You can define the keywords that you want to use when running a manual campaign.
  • Negative Keywords
    Negative keywords are keywords that you do not want your ads displayed for. Using negative keywords is beneficial because it ensures that your ads are only showing to people looking for your products. This helps reduce costs by excluding keywords that are not relevant to your product ads. Our system tends to be very conservative when adding negative keywords since it takes a significant amount of data to judge if a keyword should be negated. It usually drops the bids down to virtually nothing, just in case you can get a sale at a very low cost. This override lets you shortcut the process if you find search terms that you don’t want to wait for the system to identify as negative keywords.
  • Profit
    Profit refers to the money you make after you’ve subtracted all costs and expenses from your total sales. The formula to calculate profit is: Total Sales – Total Expenses = Profit For example, if you made $5,000 in total sales for the month of March and had $3,000 in total expenses, your profit would be $2,000. $5000 Total Sales – $3000 Total Expenses = $2000 Total Profit
  • Return On Ad Spend
    Return on ad spend, abbreviated as ROAS, is a statistic that Amazon is now displaying in Seller Central and Vendor Central at the campaign, ad group, and product level. Return on ad spend is actually the inverse of Advertising cost of sale (or ACOS). Here’s how to calculate ROAS: Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) = Advertising Sales / Advertising Spend So, dividing the amount of total advertising sales by the advertising spend will indicate a return on ad spend. For example, if you spent $40 on a sponsored product ad that generated $200 in advertising sales, the ROAS equals 5. In essence, for every dollar spent on that sponsored product ad, five dollars in ad sales result. Yay! It’s important to note that ROAS is interpreted as a multiplier (or index) instead of a percentage. Amazon reports ROAS for Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display advertisements. Each ad type has its own attribution window, which is provided below as a reminder: FAQ-Return-on-Ad-Spend Amazon agencies and individual Amazon sellers should include ROAS during campaign analysis to help determine how efficient the advertising investment is at gathering advertising sales. Sellozo is here to help Amazon sellers with our Amazon PPC automation software. Sellozo is pleased to announce we display ROAS in the PPC Manager, one of our most utilized Amazon advertising tools. We also report ROAS in our ProductVu at the SKU or ASIN level. If your product is in more than one campaign, Sellozo’s ProductVu ROAS data is incredibly helpful because we calculate ROAS as an average across all ad campaigns!
  • Revenue
    Revenue is the income generated from sales before any costs or expenses are deducted. This is also referred to as sales.
  • Search Term
    A search term is a string of keywords that a shopper types into the Amazon search bar to find a product. Depending on the keyword match type selected (broad, phrase, or exact), Amazon will match search terms with keywords to display the most relevant products and ads.
  • SKU
    SKU is a general term that stands for Stock Keeping Unit. This is a unique code that refers to each product that you are selling. Each product you sell on Amazon must have its own SKU. You can create your own SKUs to help keep your product information organized or Amazon can create one for you. It’s usually recommended that you create your own SKUs based on uniquely identifying information like source identifier, date identifier, condition identifier, etc. An example of this kind of SKU might look like this: WM-020818-N.
  • Sponsored Brand Video Ads
    Video ads on Amazon are a newer type of Sponsored Brand Campaign available for Brand Registered Amazon sellers. This category of Sponsored Brand advertisement features a short video played in a repeating loop, showcases one specific product ASIN, and targets keywords of your choice.
  • Unit Sales vs. Total Orders
    The Total Orders metric refers to the total number of orders you’ve received, while the Unit Sales metric refers to the total number of units sold. For example, you may have 14 Total Orders but your Unit Sales may total 18. This happens because customers may order more than one item per order, resulting in more Unit Sales than Total Orders.
  • Unit Session Percentage
    Unit Session Percentage = The # of sessions for a product detail page/ the # of units ordered For example, if 242 individuals visited a product detail page and 20 people purchased the product, then the amazon unit session percentage would be 12.1%. amazon unit session percentage
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